Crew Sign Up
2024/10/22 12:11:58
The racing schedule for Chicago's 2019 season is now available.
Create a web site that enables individual crew members
to indicate their availability and you to select who will race.

Its simple and its FREE!

  • Click on "Add-a-Boat" and enter information about your boat.
  • Enter a list of crew members, giving them ID's and passwords.
  • Select a list of events.
  • The crew members can sign on and indiate the events they are available.
  • You can select from those available to form a crew for each event.
  • Everyone can keep their information uptodate.
  • Email is automatically sent to all affected parties when changes are made.
  • There are lists of most Chicago big boat events that are easy
    to include in your boat's schedule. But you don't have to race in Chicago to use the site
    because you can manually enter any event, even work-on-the-boat days.
Go ahead, try it; its free this season!
or to view / update an existing site
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